We, as members of the SMNE, join together, first and foremost acknowledging our common humanity, as people equally created with irreducible value by our Creator God. Secondly, we acknowledge our common nationality and right to full inclusion in all the benefits, privileges and duties of Ethiopian citizens, based on our origination from or life within the geographical boundaries of Ethiopia. Thirdly, we acknowledge our commonality as Ethiopian people whose differences of ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, age, viewpoint and regional background do not exclude any from full acceptance and full rights as members of Ethiopian society.
We, as members of the SMNE, come together in a spirit of unity for the purpose of creating a “better” Ethiopia, where “humanity comes before ethnicity,” or any other unique distinctions, and where the freedom, justice, rights and well-being of all our members are equally respected, advanced and protected. Believing that “no one is free until we all are free,” we endeavor to become a society that genuinely cares about each other, hoping to create an environment where our people can thrive and prosper.
We, as members of the SMNE, stand together against tyranny, injustice, deception, corruption, impunity, cronyism, tribalism and the oppression of all Ethiopian people. We commit to advancing among all Ethiopian people: the respect for human rights, civil liberties, the rule of law, free and fair elections, open political space, and transparency and accountability within our government and major institutions.
We, as members of the SMNE, seek to build and join a broad-based coalition of diverse Ethiopians that will link people, groups and organizations together to cooperate on shared interests, guided by the principles of truth, justice, freedom, the protection of human rights, equality and civility in order to bring about a more open, free, reconciled and prosperous society. We also seek to advocate in the international community for active support in achieving these goals in Ethiopia.
We, as members of the SMNE, seek the reconciliation of Ethiopians and the advancement of peaceful resolution to any conflicts among the Ethiopian people. We also seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts with other countries such as those in the Horn of Africa, in Africa and in the world.
We are committed to working with those parties, coalitions, groups, organizations, corporations, and countries inside and outside of Ethiopia where such partnerships could advance freedom, justice, peace, security, economic opportunity, community development, improvements in infrastructure, respect for environmental concerns, good governance and the overall stability in the Horn of Africa and Africa, as long as such partnerships serve the interest of the Ethiopian people and are in alignment with our stated principles and ideals.
Click here for information about joining the SMNE.